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What is the difference between a barber and a cosmetologist in practice? 
What can one do that the other cannot?

The answer is relatively simple and is defined in statute and through opinions issued by the Attorney General.

• By statute, only a barber may remove hair from the face or body with a razor.
• A Cosmetologist may not remove and facial or body hair with a razor or shave the outline of a haircut.

What do I need to enroll?

To register, please provide:

• Current State Issued Driver’s License , State ID, or Passport
• (3) Three Letters of Reference (non-relative)
• Proof of Education High School Diploma/GED
• $25 Application Fee
• (4) 2X2 Photos-passport size
• Official School Transcripts (only needed if you do not have diploma/GED copy)
• TDLR Criminal History Questionnaire (Can be found at

Veteran’s-Additional Registration Information Needed

• DD-214
• Military Transcripts
• Transcripts from all post-secondary schools
• Certificate of Eligibility

How long will I have to attend?

Class A Barber (1500 hours)-50 weeks
Manicurist (600 hours)-20 weeks
Barber Instructor (750 hours)-26 weeks
Barber Instructor (500 hours)-16 weeks
Barber Technician (300 hours)-10 weeks
Cosmetology Crossover (300 hours)-10 weeks
Hair Weaving (300 hours)-10 weeks
Hair Braiding (35 hours)-1 week

What kind of certification will I get when I graduate?

A certificate of completion will be awarded by the school.